Great Expectations by Charles Dickens; #GreatExpectations by Us
This Sunday is the 153rd anniversary of the publication of the last installment of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. The novel was serialized in the weekly paper All the Year Round from December 1, 1860 to August 3, 1861, being released in 36 episodes. To mark its conclusion, we’re reimagining Great Expectations as it would be published today — that is, serialized on Twitter with Internet slang, a bit of snark and a much, much lower word count. Watch our Twitter handle this Sunday, August 3, 2014, for #GreatExpectations, Dickens’s classic novel in 36 tweets.
Update: In case you missed us live tweeting #GreatExpectations, we've collected the whole thing below. Enjoy!
Adina Applebaum is Michigan native studying English and creative writing at Barnard College. Her crowning achievements in life are memorizing all the lyrics on The Slim Shady LP and eating an entire gallon of chocolate-covered raisins during orientation week of college.
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