No, this is not the set for a Rhianna video.
MoMA's newest behemoth of an exhibit, Rain Room, is straight from a sci-fi lover's dream: a raining room with censors that pause the water when a body is detected beneath it. It's a magical experience, but the wait time for such an event is an experience in itself. On a good day, the wait time can be a cool hour-and-a-half, but on the (usually) busy days, it can be as long as three hours. So what do you do whilst twiddling your thumbs, waiting to get in? Eavesdrop, of course. Here is a random sampling of what we heard while waiting to get into the Rain Room.
Woman 1: I love art that causes a scene like this.
Woman 2: Like Duchamp.
Woman 1: Yeah, R. Mutt.
Woman 2: No, I mean Marcel Duchamp.
Child: Is there going to be a bathroom inside?
Man: What are you gonna do when we get in?
Woman: Cartwheels. Tons of carthweels.
Man 1: Should I wear my hair up?
Man: 2: I don't know.
Man 1: I think I'll look better in there with my hair up.
Teenager: Can we eat after this?
Woman: Sure. What?
Teenager: I want something salty. Maybe flan?
Man: How long did they say was the wait?
Woman: Two hours.
Man: I hope I finish this level by then.
[Continues playing Candy Crush Saga on iPhone.]
Woman: I'm so bored. [Looks at phone.] I only have 23% left!
Woman 1: Maybe we should buy a membership to skip the line.
Woman 2: How much?
Woman 1: $85.
Woman 2: I don't like art that much.
Woman: You know when you have a song stuck in your head? But it's from a commercial? And you don't really know the words?
Man: That's the best fucking halal cart in the city. Nothing comes close. I've tried others but -- but -- you know? Nothing comes close.
Woman: I thought we could beat the line.
Man: You were too slow. You wanted Starbucks.
Woman: [Sips coffee; sulks.]
Man: I've been craving... chestnuts lately.
Woman: I skipped work for this.
Man: I didn't.
Woman: I know. You're unemployed.
Man: ...
Woman: Sorry.
Man: American Psycho could never be a musical. It takes all the magic out of the story.
Child: This is boring.
Woman: We're almost there.
Child: How much longer?
Woman: Just a little bit.
Child: LIAR.