"/> Netflix Finds: NoBody's Perfect — The Airship
By Sarah Bennett

​Surely the finest German documentary about a calendar of nude "Thalidomiders" that Netflix has to offer.

Since Netflix Instant is still slow to offer as many recent or popular releases as its DVD model, I look to it as a source of bizarre documentaries that I didn't know exist or should exist, and NoBody's Perfect [sic] fits the bill perfectly. Made by German filmmaker Niko von Glasow, NoBody's Perfect chronicles his journey to deal with the Thalidomide-induced physical deformities he was born with by gathering a group of fellow "Thalidomiders" to shoot a nude calendar. On the one hand, you do admire the people who pose, who have varying levels of disability and accordingly have all dealt with different kinds and amounts of difficulty and trauma. On the other hand, between the film's odd pace, the very German-ness of it all, and the fact that the filmmaker's picture for the calendar involves him standing naked with his young son pointing at his penis, there's a certain Christopher Guest-like element to this movie that, while probably unintended, does add a whole new level of appeal. A sometimes-slow-yet-totally-strange Netflix find.