"/> You Should Eat This Too: Pretzel M&Ms Are My Everything — The Airship
By Sarah Bennett


I love pretzel M&Ms so much and eat them with such frequency that I am genuinely concerned that not enough people know about them because there is a rainbow pellet-sized hole in their lives where a pretzel nugget shellacked in waxy chocolate should be.

If, like me, you try not to just buy candy all the time because it’s too depressing to be living the fantasy existence you had at age six, but still occasionally need a burst of sugar, pretzel M&Ms trick you into thinking they're not exactly candy since they have slightly fewer calories and a hunk of stale bread in the middle. They give you that small extra kick of energy so you can get through the last hour of a meeting without just giving in and playing solitaire on whatever digital device is closest by. They are a treat that tastes good, and if you're unwilling to venture into the world of M&Ms beyond regular and peanut, your life is smaller than it should be... smaller than a pretzel M&M.